Christopher J. Combs, Ph.D.

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03/09/2004: "A Modest Proposal"

The Pope et. al. article cites the most frequently referenced statistics regarding therapist-client sexual intimacies: approximately 10% for male therapists with female clients, and about 2% or less of female therapists with male clients. Other surveys have been consistent with this one, including more recent ones (I chose this particular article because it was typical of the group but also so well-written). Some recent authors have offered numbers supporting the notion that the frequency of therapist-client sex has decreased, perhaps as the result of the publication of these surveys and the publicity from some high-profile cases. However, this remains controversial - other studies remain consistent with Pope et. al.'s. And we're presuming that anonymous surveys yield a true picture of the problem. It's quite possible the figures are actually higher, because some offenders may not believe the survey is truly anonymous and therefore not report the offense.

Should therapists who are found, by a proponderance of the evidence, to have had sexual intimacies with a client be required to register as sex offenders? After all, they are preying or exploiting a segment of society that is considered vulnerable and unable to consent. Do we need a national database of these therapists, or a website that notifies the public of their names?

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